8th January
Competition Christmas Cards
5th February
Card Making with Mavis Mitchell
Competition A Cinese Object
5th March
Fairtrade with Lady Sheila Houghton
Competition Something Welsh
2nd April
Dianna Trgenza Sea Shepherd and Ocean Conservation
Competition Something from the Sea
7th May
Scrabble Competition
Competition An article beginning with "S"
4th June
Work of a Street Pastor with Fiona Covington
Competition A Bridal Item
2nd July
The History of Perfume with Jackie Windsor - Lewis
Competition Perfume Bottle
3rd September
Dave Lewis from Game and Wildlife and Conservation Trust
Competition Wildlife Model
1st October
West with the Vickings by Joy Clayton
Competition A Nordic Item
5th November
A.G.M. and Quiz
Competition Halloween Item
3rd December
Christmas Lunch
Competition A Pretty Gift Tag